
PC Stomp

<Psychoholic > from now on, whenever I get a new pc in...I'll strip everything and toss it all in a box and keep I guess..
<Psychoholic > annnnnnd....maybe I won't stomp on them anymore...
<Psychoholic > our protocol says I have to disable them in a manner of my choosing adiquate.....
<Psychoholic > stomping seemed like a good idea


The 'Get Martin Fired' folder

</\/\artin> hey Joe?
<Psychoholic > hey Martin....long time no ocean
</\/\artin> lol yeah, how's it going?
<Psychoholic > good good , you?
</\/\artin> not too bad here, at work so there's only a certain level of 'good' I can reach
<Psychoholic > lol.....
</\/\artin> in saying that, being on mx helps :-)
<TSC[07];hollowlife> has ya boss said anything to ya about that pic he caught you looking at :-p
<Psychoholic > brb....Karens on the phone...
<app> lol
</\/\artin> no, it's been quietly ignored... perhaps they just talk about that stuff when I'm not here now, incase they think it'll offend me... thanks guys
<app> i am so sorry about that
</\/\artin> I did mention I just clicked a link from a room I was in
<[BeenAWhileLastZeen]> lol
</\/\artin> sort of dug myself out of one hole using another hole
<TSC[07];hollowlife> lol
<[BeenAWhileLastZeen]> what kind of picture did you get cought looking at?
<app> so now he knows you chat online while working
</\/\artin> "yeah, I was on this online chatroom at work..."
<[BeenAWhileLastZeen]> LOL!
</\/\artin> "and I clicked a link, and THAT's why I had a naked guy with tits on my screen"
<[BeenAWhileLastZeen]> PMSL!!!
</\/\artin> "sorry boss"
<app> you should have told him about your boob farm
<[BeenAWhileLastZeen]> everyone thinks youre gay at work
</\/\artin> so now...
<TSC[07];hollowlife> lol
</\/\artin> I am just the gay procrastinator
</\/\artin> anyway, in other news... that's old
<app> maybe you could have got him to agree to grow tits
<app> this is the pic that got martin in trouble: http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/8269/frommartinsboobfarmsi4.jpg
</\/\artin> damn april, I nearly did it again
<TSC[07];hollowlife> LOL marty
</\/\artin> I have some URGE to just grab URL's in chatrooms
<app> it had the warning this time
</\/\artin> before reading anything associated with them
</\/\artin> well I got it just in time
</\/\artin> it's on my clipboard, but that doesn't make me a transexual maniac like last time
</\/\artin> ... not unless the sysadmin remotely monitors clipboards....
</\/\artin> mmmm damn
<TSC[07];hollowlife> lol
<app> i have to start posting links with nomartin://blah.com/somethingnotsafe.jpg
</\/\artin> lol
<TSC[07];hollowlife> the nomartin protocol :-p
<app> should i upload the guys in skirts pics?
</\/\artin> as long as the pizza protocol doesn't have a nomartin protocol in it, I'm happy
<app> they are all in my wtf folder
<app> or should i just give you a link to the folder?
</\/\artin> you may as well rename your wtf folder to "get martin fired" folder
<app> lol


Wrong Person

<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> Deozaan
<Nighted> hey
<mouser> wtf
<wordzilla> lol
* Shamurai has kicked Shamurai from #donationcoder (FLOODER!)
* Shamurai has joined #donationcoder
<Shamurai> errrr
* MouserBot gives channel operator status to Shamurai
<Shamurai> wrong person
<wordzilla> hahahaha
<wordzilla> rofl
<wordzilla> ROFL


Easter Egg?

app says (1:41 PM): you should add an easter egg to 2dvr...something 'nasty' ;)
app says (1:42 PM): special little something that will allow you to whip out a gun & shoot aston
app says (1:42 PM): and only you know how
app says (1:42 PM): or better yet...a white van to run him over
Martin says (1:51 PM): LOL
Martin says (1:51 PM): I had already thought of that
Martin says (1:52 PM): but I don't like to put easter eggs in my code, I'd rather support some kind of plugin which legitimately added that awesome feature


Ajax is cleaner

<wordzilla> auto-refreshes every 5 secs
<scancode> hell no!
<scancode> not meta refresh!
<wordzilla> why not scannie?
<scancode> it flickers!
<wordzilla> no it doesnt
<wordzilla> it'll be placed in an iframe on the forum
<wordzilla> e man whats your opinion?
<Ehtyar> surely there is a cleaner way to do it
<Ehtyar> ajax?
<wordzilla> what's not cool about meta refresh?
<wordzilla> inside an iframe i mean
<Ehtyar> constant requests
<Ehtyar> ajax would just be cleaner imo


Beep Alert!

* scancode bleeps at mouser
<mouser> beep alert!
<mouser> gates slam closed
<tinjaw> ouch
<tinjaw> you caught my toe in there
* tinjaw is now know as toelesstinjaw
<mouser> sorry
<tinjaw> I demand a 75% discount on all your software as penalty!!
<mouser> ill give you 74%
<tinjaw> 74.5%
<mouser> 1%
<tinjaw> umm
<tinjaw> that didn't work out as i planned
<tinjaw> 1.5 ??
<mouser> done and done
<tinjaw> w00t!!
<mouser> and youll throw in a rolls royce for me
<tinjaw> sure
<mouser> done and done
<tinjaw> http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:FePa4eh-u8OfvM:http://lahore.metblogs.com/archives/images/2006/11/_Rolls-Royce-Phantom-Black-1-lg.jpg
<tinjaw> there you go
<mouser> nice
<tinjaw> http://allworldcars.com/wordpress/?p=312
<tinjaw> there are the details
<tinjaw> I'll have it delivered tomorrow
<tinjaw> will you be home?
<mouser> ill quit work and wait for it if you throw in the girl
<tinjaw> sorry, she is busy doing my laundry tomorrow.
<mouser> damn it


How Men Think

[BeenAWhile] has entered
/\/\artin has entered
<WB /\/\artin> I'm going to make an esoteric programming language based off sexual positions only, I think it'd be fun... and the result could either be executed, or used as a guide in bed
<app> hi martin
<[BeenAWhile]> men
</\/\artin> hey april
</\/\artin> what have we done now?
<[BeenAWhile]> i was refering to the sex programming language message.
</\/\artin> I cleared the window... I can't remember it
<[BeenAWhile]> <WB /\/\artin> I'm going to make an esoteric programming language based off sexual positions only, I think it'd be fun... and the result could either be executed, or used as a guide in bed
</\/\artin> and the rolling eye worthy part of that quote is located where?
</\/\artin> I have just one thing to say on the matter
</\/\artin> missionary(lick++);
<[BeenAWhile]> yet another human activity that has nothing to do with sexual activity somehow managed to be directly related to sex. the eye rolling is derived from the fact that the average male can not stop thinking about sex with destroies most possability for any real productive thought that may further develop the human species as a whole.
</\/\artin> I entirely degree, and what's your bra size?
</\/\artin> disagree*
<[BeenAWhile]> 0
</\/\artin> can't even not think about it enough to spell correctly, apparently
<[BeenAWhile]> why assume i am a woman?
</\/\artin> why not assume?
</\/\artin> since it's a 50/50 chance, I may as well pick one
<[BeenAWhile]> assumptions are dangerous.
</\/\artin> but quicker than questions
</\/\artin> plus, are you suggesting men don't have bra sizes?
</\/\artin> there's a certain few (on the increase) that do
<[BeenAWhile]> How so? You declare that you think i am a man or woman, then i confirm or deny, with a question, you ask, and then i respond male or female. Both take the exact same amount of time and effort, one offends less.
</\/\artin> then there is the men who wouldn't have, but do anyway, through pleasure
</\/\artin> but now you are assuming you would answer right away
</\/\artin> perhaps you wouldn't
</\/\artin> most wouldn't
</\/\artin> so through statistics, I conclude that the assumption is quicker
<[BeenAWhile]> what does it matter when the statement is responded to, same effort still applies.
<[BeenAWhile]> how so?
<[BeenAWhile]> doesnt matter what you assume or ask, still takes the same amount of energy to conclude.
</\/\artin> maybe your answer would not answer the question, as in "mind your business" == pointless asking the question
<[BeenAWhile]> just declaring your assumption does not make it any more true then asking the question.
</\/\artin> indeed, it lets me decide the answer
</\/\artin> unless of course you correct me
<[BeenAWhile]> and if i responded mind your business, how does that affirm your assumption?
</\/\artin> but if you wasn't going to tell me in the first place (statistically you won't), then the assumption is the better choice
</\/\artin> it doesn't, but the point is, it doesn't disprove it.... which is the reason for assuming in the first place
<[BeenAWhile]> how can an assumption be a better choice? you already have your predetermined conclusions prior to any query into the matter, so answer or no answer on question or assumption, you are still left with the same amount of affirmation.
</\/\artin> not at all, my conclusion wasn't predetermined, it was assumed, and with correct it would be changed
<[BeenAWhile]> assumptions are predeterminations.
</\/\artin> the assumption is there because the statistical chance of asking the question and getting the desired answer is low
<[BeenAWhile]> assumptions are loosly interpretated data to which a conclusion is drawn.
</\/\artin> which supports a point I am missing...
<[BeenAWhile]> i think "predetermined" was a bad word to use, i was using it in the reference that you yourself have already made a decision.
<[BeenAWhile]> or drawn a conclusion
<[BeenAWhile]> brb
</\/\artin> I did, a conclusion that was known to be assumed - for the statistical chance of asking the question resulting in a wasted effort, but a conclusion which can easily be corrected by you saying you are either a male or a female as a result of noticing I had made the assumption in the first place#
<[BeenAWhile]> back
<[BeenAWhile]> my point is that either presenting your conclusion or asking the questiong takes just as much effort. Both require a statement and a response, one has far less connotation behind it.
<[BeenAWhile]> anyways, i have an errand to run, if need be im sure we can continue this nuts arguement later. :P
< E 420 > lmao
</\/\artin> one requies "are you a woman? what's your bra size?", the other "what's your bra size?" ... both ultimately give the same information
<[BeenAWhile]> exactly.
</\/\artin> so presenting my assumption through the direct question "what
</\/\artin> 's your bra size"
</\/\artin> is much quicker
<Emulator ®> lol!
<[BeenAWhile]> it is not quicker....
</\/\artin> than first asking if you're a woman
</\/\artin> sure it is
</\/\artin> it's one question vs two questions
<[BeenAWhile]> only if you're on drugs and time has subverted
</\/\artin> well speak for yourself
<[BeenAWhile]> how is there two questions?
</\/\artin> but I still think one question is shorter than two
<[BeenAWhile]> lol
<[BeenAWhile]> w/e i really need to go. :P
</\/\artin> "are you a woman, what's your bra size?" ... two questions
</\/\artin> "what's your bra size?" one question
< E 420 > Ever hear of moobs ?
</\/\artin> both give me the same info in response... either "36 C" (woman), or "hey fucker, I'm a man", (no size, man)
< E 420 > you should watch fight club ..
</\/\artin> fight club is cool :)
[BeenAWhile] has left
< E 420 > agreed : )
< E 420 > and on that note i'll go back to lurking your zany conversations are interesting but require too much thought to get involved ..
</\/\artin> agreed, even for me
</\/\artin> and I have work to do



<«(Ò¸ó)» > #setnickname Shrike123_12345 #name Shrike32.dll123_12345
<Admin> Shrike123_12345 can not change their name!
<RCMS> <Shrike> has changed User Names to <Shrike32.dll>
<«(Ò¸ó)» > :-P
<app> "The procedure entry point ROFL_MAO could not be located in the dynamic link library shrike32.dll"


Coded in PHP & Perl, with a Delphi GUI

<MouserBot> [DC Forum] Re: Microsoft providing .NET Framework source code! - Developer's Corner - by Lashiec - http://www.donationcoder.com/Forums/bb/index.php?topic=10242.msg79397#msg79397
<lizardowl> Microsoft providing .NET Framework source code! ?
<Ehtyar> look but dont touch license
<Ehtyar> and im wary of it after how they did the .net 1.1 src code release
<Ehtyar> not that im interested in dotnet in the first place :P
<mouser> when i hear that .net is totally cross platform open source
<mouser> that is when i will embrace
<mouser> .net
<mouser> and not until then.
<Ehtyar> unless it becomes an open standard entirely
<Ehtyar> im not going near it
<lizardowl> but nothing useful is cross-platform + open source :P
<Ehtyar> personally that is the mistake delphi programmers make
<Ehtyar> embracing a proprietary language
<Ehtyar> made by a company going under
<Ehtyar> OI
<Ehtyar> AND PERL
* Ehtyar spanks the naughty word man over and over
<lizardowl> hehe ok code a desktop app with php
<lizardowl> or perl
<lizardowl> or wxwidgets :P
<Ehtyar> well wx sure
<Ehtyar> joto does it all the time
<Ehtyar> asshat :P
<Ehtyar> and perl and php are fine for cli apps
<Ehtyar> in fact i wrote my own download manager in php + curl a while back
<lizardowl> awesome
<app> i have one
<app> well, sort of
<app> was a small app to send uptime info to a server
<app> written in perl
<app> compiled with perl2exe or some such thing
<app> launched with a js file that passed it my account info and hid the console window
<mouser> also
<mouser> app is coded in combo of php and perl
<mouser> so she should know
<mouser> plus a delphi front end gui
<app> lol
<mouser> and she runs quite well and reliably
<mouser> except if you try to organize her with gtd
<mouser> then she crashes with giant memory fault
<app> lol
<lizardowl> hehe it feesl weird to code app in php/perl that's all :P
<app> i was already optimized
<app> it was like trying to upx a file that was already upx'd


Sneak-peek of Hell

<scancode> bleeeeeeeeeeeep! :-]
<scancode> back from school
<TucknDar> wb
<scancode> today has been a sneak-peek of hell
<TucknDar> scancode, oh yeah? what happened?
<Mart_1986> what does hell hold in store for you then?
<scancode> uh everything went wrong in every possible way
<mouser> lol
<scancode> i was doing a presentation
<scancode> pc crashed
<scancode> halfway.
<mouser> app htats a good quote for scancode
<mouser> <scancode> uh everything went wrong in every possible way
<scancode> THEN my father went to school
<scancode> to ask WTF was going on with my grades
<scancode> and THEN the school's café got closed.
<scancode> a.k.a. no food.
<scancode> THEN i found that I had a 0 in a subject.
<jgpaica> damn
<jgpaica> that's crazy, scancode
<scancode> you said ti
<scancode> *it
<TucknDar> actually everything scancode's said since coming back from school is quote-material :p
<jgpaica> you should get in bed immediately, to prevent it from getting worse
<scancode> i can't
* jgpaica is now known as jgpaiva
<scancode> have to work from 6.30 pm to 24.00
<scancode> :\
<jgpaiva> oh damn
<jgpaiva> be careful at work, then
<jgpaiva> what will you be working on?
<TucknDar> oh god. please tell me you don't work with nitroglycerin or something like that
<jgpaiva> anything with anvils?
<scancode> fixing two PCs
<scancode> both carrying really important data
<mouser> TucknDar lol
<TucknDar> well, you're not fixing my PC today...
<scancode> btw, if someone cares.
<scancode> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grade_(education)#Argentina
<mouser> jgp lol
<jgpaiva> well.. that's relativelly safe for your physical health
<scancode> look for 0
<TucknDar> ouch "0: Absent for all the tests (The student can't redo that exam again in his/her whole life; the worst possible grade (rarely given))"
<jgpaiva> unless... the owners of the computers are really large guys which practice kick-boxe
<TucknDar> well, you can take the exam in your next life then...
<scancode> jgpaiva -> not kick-boxing. self-defense instructors.
<jgpaiva> hmm.. then you probably shouldn't work tonight
<jgpaiva> LOL TucknDar
<scancode> i need the fucking money
<scancode> :\
<TucknDar> you need your kneecaps too
<jgpaiva> yeah, probably your kneecaps are more valuable than whatever they are paying you :P


Mouser is...ummm...busy

<Conquer> mousey here?
<Shamurai> yes
<Conquer> !lastspoke Mouser
<MouserBot> mouser last uttered a word on #donationcoder 9 minutes ago.
<Shamurai> he is
<Conquer> :P
<Shamurai> He is mouseterbating
<Conquer> i need to ask him before.. LMFAO
<Ehtyar> ROFL
<Conquer> omg man niice


Facebot Takes Over

* [^_^] (facebot@Face.bot.at.rizon) has joined #coderzinc
* [^_^] gives channel operator status to [^_^]
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Riddle_B0x
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from yello_chibi
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from cn28h_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from orion_
<cn28h> :o
<cn28h> [^_^] is attempting a channel takeover
<app> lol
* app gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* cn28h gives channel operator status to Bitchybot cn28h_ orion_ Riddle_B0x
* cn28h gives channel operator status to yello_chibi
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from cn28h_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from orion_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Riddle_B0x
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from yello_chibi
* cn28h shrugs
* app gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* app gives channel operator status to cn28h_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from cn28h_
* app gives channel operator status to orion_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from orion_
* [^_^] gives channel operator status to cn28h_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from cn28h_
<cn28h> lol
<[^_^]> I'm taking over, bitches. ;o
<app> lol
<[BeenAWhile]> no dont do it, its a trick!
* [^_^] gives channel operator status to Riddle_B0x
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Riddle_B0x
<[BeenAWhile]> i lied, go for it.
<[DC]app> it's a bot
<[DC]app> and it won't let me op anybody
<[DC]app> it keeps deopping them
<[BeenAWhile]> its skynet
* app gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* cn28h gives channel operator status to Bitchybot cn28h_ orion_ Riddle_B0x
* cn28h gives channel operator status to yello_chibi
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from cn28h_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from orion_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Riddle_B0x
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from yello_chibi
* cn28h gives channel operator status to Bitchybot cn28h_ orion_ Riddle_B0x
* cn28h gives channel operator status to yello_chibi
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from cn28h_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from orion_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Riddle_B0x
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from yello_chibi
* [^_^] has quit (*.net *.split)
* [^_^] (facebot@Face.bot.at.rizon) has joined #coderzinc
* [^_^] gives channel operator status to [^_^]
* app gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* app gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* app sets ban on *!*facebot@*.bot.at.rizon
* KICK :[^_^] is a network service and cannot be kicked from #coderzinc
* app gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* app removes ban on *!*facebot@*.bot.at.rizon
* cn28h gives channel operator status to Bitchybot cn28h_ orion_ Riddle_B0x
* cn28h gives channel operator status to yello_chibi
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from cn28h_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from orion_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Riddle_B0x
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from yello_chibi
* orion_ is now known as Orion`
* [^_^] gives channel operator status to Orion`
* app gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
<app> wtf!
<app> knock it off you blockhead!
* [^_^] gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* [^_^] gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* Cusoon959 (~nicky@i.can.haz.chezburgar) has joined #coderzinc
* [^_^] gives channel operator status to Cusoon959
<Cusoon959> hello
* app gives channel operator status to Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
<Cusoon959> wait..is it still havin probs? I'm opped
* Cusoon959 gives channel operator status to yello_chibi
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from yello_chibi
<Cusoon959> hmm
<Cusoon959> lol
<Cusoon959> XD
<Cusoon959> yeah
<Cusoon959> still havin probs
<Cusoon959> why don't you unassign the bot and see if ChanServ acts the same?
* app removes channel operator status from Cusoon959
* app gives channel operator status to Cusoon959
<Cusoon959> /bs UNASSIGN #coderzinc
<Cusoon959> hey...
<Cusoon959> hmm
<app> it likes you
<Cusoon959> yeah
<Cusoon959> awsum
<app> it doesn't matter if you unassign
<Cusoon959> ah
<app> then you'll fight with chanserv instead
<Cusoon959> sorry, I misunderstood
<Cusoon959> yeah
* [^_^] luvs Cusoon959
* [^_^] glares at the /other/ PUNY HUMANS
<[^_^]> I AM FACEBOT. I am on my way to complete and total world domination, starting with this network.
* Cusoon959 gives channel operator status to Bitchybot cn28h_ Riddle_B0x yello_chibi
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Bitchybot
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from cn28h_
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from Riddle_B0x
* [^_^] removes channel operator status from yello_chibi
<Cusoon959> meh
<app> lol
<Cusoon959> hehe


Chinese Porn

<gr-linux> did you watch that chinese porn? :D
<Leigh49> nah couldn't stand the lip-synced moaning


I only have 2 gigs of ram!

<TSC[07];hollowlife> freon your on vista right?
<freon> no
<freon> was...
<freon> but got pissed off
<TSC[07];hollowlife> damn
<freon> considering i only have 2 gigs of ram.. and tried to play hell gate london via dx10 :(
<freon> the game in xp, (dx9) uses around.... 1.7gigs of ram.. lol
<TSC[07];hollowlife> lol only 2 gigs is funny to hear


Marty is a woman!

</\/\artin_1> Tuesdays are better than Mondays, but still far enough from Friday to suck bad
<TSC[60]; ¤LVHC¤ /¥\R /¥\å´][`´][` 4²º 30> yes
<TSC[60]; ¤LVHC¤ /¥\R /¥\å´][`´][` 4²º 30> thats what today was like  
</\/\artin_1> I've eaten too much chocolate, and I've only been awake an hour :(
</\/\artin_1> I must be depressed, if I'm eating chocolate so early
<TSC[60]; ¤LVHC¤ /¥\R /¥\å´][`´][` 4²º 30> or frustrated ...woman use it as a replacement for sex
<TSC[07];hollowlife1> not getting enough people to grow boobs marty?
</\/\artin_1> you guys are reading into it too much, I just wanted some chocolate. lol
</\/\artin_1> OK OK, I've been a woman for 8 years
</\/\artin_1> I hide this fact by trapping it inbetween my legs and walking funny
</\/\artin_1> I use chocolate to forget about it all
</\/\artin_1> happy now?
<TSC[60]; ¤LVHC¤ /¥\R /¥\å´][`´][` 4²º 30> lol well sorta
<TSC[60]; ¤LVHC¤ /¥\R /¥\å´][`´][` 4²º 30> im just glad its not me that typed that cause omg i get quoted on all the wrong things i say  
</\/\artin_1> I always knew you would be happy if you knew I was a woman, matt
<TSC[60]; ¤LVHC¤ /¥\R /¥\å´][`´][` 4²º 30> lol  
<TSC[60]; ¤LVHC¤ /¥\R /¥\å´][`´][` 4²º 30> i did say sorta
</\/\artin_1> only so you could make that last statement, be we know the truth now
<TSC[60]; ¤LVHC¤ /¥\R /¥\å´][`´][` 4²º 30> my friend dave said he wanted  girlfriend that could code tho i could put in a good word for you  
</\/\artin_1> I only code in brainfuck, without the brain
</\/\artin_1> I'm going to make an esoteric programming language based off sexual positions only, I think it'd be fun... and the result could either be executed, or used as a guide in bed
<TSC[60]; ¤LVHC¤ /¥\R /¥\å´][`´][` 4²º 30> lol  
<TSC[07];hollowlife1> we need april to quote that now marty :-p
</\/\artin_1> we need you to shhhhhh
</\/\artin_1> lol