
$NaN Doesn't Mean You Are Rich

<Stephen66> lol wut
<Stephen66> I have $NaN DonationCredits
<app> you broke the donation credits system!
<w3bcrawler> I'M RICH, Bwaahahahahaha!
<w3bcrawler> -Stephen66
<Stephen66> Why is it always ME that ends up with a broken forum
<app> $Not a Number <--doesn't make you rich
<Stephen66> NaN would mean I don't even have 0
<Stephen66> lol
<w3bcrawler> of course it does.. if your assets can't be quantified, i'd say, that's pretty goddamn incredible
<Stephen66> It might as well say I have $lemon DonationCredits
<Stephen66> y'know...cause Lemon isn't a number
<Stephen66> :P
<app> exactly
<w3bcrawler> but lemon *is* a number
<Stephen66> I worry for our education system


Stephen's Dogblog

<Stephen66> I really want a web project I can do in my spare time but cannot think of a damn thing to do
<Deozaan> Stephen66: Make a game.
<Stephen66> That isn't a web project
<Stephen66> I was thinking something that wouldn't take up a whole bunch of time but would be fun to do
<Deozaan> Make a web page devoted to Munch
<Deozaan> Make a dogblog
<Stephen66> "Today I licked my balls, tomorrow, I think I will lick my ass"
<Deozaan> Yup.
<Deozaan> "And now to write about my dog."
<Stephen66> LOL
<Deozaan> :D


Sleep Typing Mouser's New Software Ideas

<mouser> i just had an amazing idea for a small website idea
<Stephen66> you had an idea for an idea?
<mouser> probably exists, but if not so cool
<Stephen66> and is this an actual small website...or a "Mousers version of small" website
<Stephen66> The same way as you once said SSC has a small menu
<mouser> yeah i know
<mouser> already had 10 more ideas for it
<Stephen66> lol
<mouser> but fuck this is a damn cool one
<Stephen66> You're as bad as me for this stuff haha
<Stephen66> Are you gonna let us in on the idea?
<Stephen66> Or just informing us you had an idea
<mouser> not going to let you in yet
<mouser> got to sketch it out more
<mouser> but its easy to code(!)
<mouser> not too much work
<mouser> and very user-content driven
<mouser> and its very weird
<mouser> im sure it exists though
<mouser> maybe you can help me search for it
<mouser> after i wake up
<Stephen66> Shit...We have a sleep talking mouser...
<Deozaan> You'll forget about it if you sleep before telling anyone!
<Stephen66> ^ Yes!
<Stephen66> Although, from the way he worded it...he is already asleep
<Stephen66> He is sleep tying
<Stephen66> Mousers new patented software: "Sleep and Type Robot"
<Stephen66> It uses technology from his other new invention "DreamshotCaptor"
<Stephen66> And I am fairly sure is incorporates some features found in "REM Snooper"