

<p3lb0x> Whos go the most bitchin car here?
<app> my hubby's car does a lot of bitchin, does that count?
<p3lb0x> Bitchin as in cool
<p3lb0x> as in "bitchin meat car"
<app> he used to have a cool got stolen & totaled
<p3lb0x> What is hes name or nick name
<app> why?
<mouser> <p3lb0x> Whos go the most bitchin car here?
<mouser> <app> my hubby's car does a lot of bitchin, does that count? <-- lol
<p3lb0x> I need to put some name on this picture
<mouser> another funny thing you could have said is
<p3lb0x> or it wont be as funny
<mouser> my hubby does a lot of bitching while in the car, does that count?
<app> he does that too
<app> i try to avoid his car as much as possible
<app> i would prefer to walk
<app> or take a bus
<SpyderPig> [11:28am] <@mouser> my hubby does a lot of bitching while in the car. <--- APP QUOTE THAT!!!!
<mouser> no
<SpyderPig> Mouser is gay!
<app> lol
<mouser> it was app's joke
<SpyderPig> NO!
<SpyderPig> You said it!
<p3lb0x> Ill just pretend mousers car is "Bitchin" then
<SpyderPig> mouser is gay!
<mouser> i was just modifying it
* SpyderPig has changed the topic to: [11:28am] <@mouser> my hubby does a lot of bitching while in the car. <--- The truth revealed
<p3lb0x> if hes got one that is
<mouser> app do NOT add that gender confusulating quote
<app> lol
* mouser smashes sham with a hammer
<app> i won't
<mouser> thank you :)
<mouser> app is good
<mouser> sham is evil
<mouser> on a more serious humour note
<p3lb0x> p3lb0x is the annoying neutral person :)
<mouser> admitadely the simpsons is a great show
<mouser> but of all the f*cking jokes on the simpsons
<mouser> why is sham so enamored of the lame spyderpig ?
<SpyderPig> jokes on the simpsons? You havent watched family guy or south park have you
<SpyderPig> :-P
* SpyderPig is now known as MrHerbert
<MrHerbert> -D
<MrHerbert> :-D
<app> now that should be a quote :-P
<tinjaw> and admissable as evidence
<app> no
<mouser> ps sham if you ever get your military issues sniper rifle
<mouser> i take back everything negative i've ever said about you
<MrHerbert> Mouser
<MrHerbert> my wife wants to know about that quote now
<mouser> i think if i got a car i would get that one
<MrHerbert> She wants to know why we didnt get invited to the wedding
* MrHerbert is now known as SpyderPig
<mouser> bah
<SpyderPig> Are you having a kid too?



<tinjaw> what's up Word Of The Zilla?
<wordzilla> not much tinjaw, chitchatting
<wordzilla> what's up with u?
<tinjaw> the volume
<tinjaw> and a lot of getting sidetracked
<tinjaw> oh, and my weight
<wordzilla> nah u dont look like overweight ;)
<wordzilla> at all
<tinjaw> look at my nick
<tinjaw> it has gone up at least one pixel size!
<tinjaw> all that candy
<hadez> lol
<tinjaw> i try to kernel my fonts but it doesn't make me look any skinnier
<tinjaw> and I need to work on my decenders
<hadez> there are things even the best layout cannot cover up
<hadez> :x
<tinjaw> but, check out my t & a !!
<hadez> you look kinda monospaced to me
<hadez> you're a real column conformist
<tinjaw> monospacedout
<tinjaw> don't make me get out my serifs and bold you
<hadez> even if you would
<hadez> i could never hit an orphan back
<tinjaw> i'll have you know that I grew up is a very tight knit pantone family
<hadez> being the initial son of a window?
<hadez> but i bet a lot of your kerning problems are caused by early-childhood leading of the semi-colon tract
<hadez> :D
<tinjaw> ok, i get your point
<hadez> ok, i'm sick of translating german typography terms to english now
<hadez> :P
<scancode> o.O
<scancode> you're all a bunch of typos
<hadez> hey, know your ligatures
* p3lb0x is now known as Tyopboy
* scancode is now known as TypoBoy
<hadez> i never tpyo
* TypoBoy is now known as p3lb0x
* Tyopboy is now known as scancode
<p3lb0x> yay!
<scancode> Indeed
<p3lb0x> exchanged personalities :-]


1337 hax0r tinjaw

<scancode> my computer's ip is :P
<tinjaw> scancode, I bet I can hack into your computer
<tinjaw> I'm in
<scancode> woot!
<scancode> :P
<tinjaw> i am going to make it reboot
* tinjaw has quit ()
* scancode worries about tinnie's mental health :P
* tinjaw has joined #donationcoder
* scancode worries about tinnie's mental health :P
<tinjaw> dude!
<tinjaw> how did you retaliate so fast!?
<scancode> !define retaliate
<tinjaw> you must be 313437
<tinjaw> I sent the command to reboot your computer and you knocked me off the InterTubes
<tinjaw> in like .028349 picoseconds
<tinjaw> ur good
<scancode> go get some sleep buddy
<scancode> you really need it.
<tinjaw> I've got 62 minutes left


There Are No Irish Porn Stars

<app> there are no irish porn stars
<app> lol
<pyrana> not counting Menchi's home movies xD
<app> WB Menchi187|Laptop <Krish> id be frightened if menchi's testicles had legs
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has joined #animeyakuza
<app> pyrana: i said irish porn stars...not horror movie stars
<Menchi187|Laptop> arent they one and the same?
<app> <app>
<app> <app> there are no irish porn stars
<app> <pyrana> not counting Menchi's home movies xD
<Menchi187|Laptop> lol he wasnt supposed to mention htose
<Menchi187|Laptop> those*
<app> so menchi is an irish porn star that stars in home made horror movies
<Menchi187|Laptop> hit the nail on the head there app
<app> i just went to the kitchen to make a cup of tea...had some thoughts in my head...but i decoded i better not share them...just too off the fucking wall
* Menchi187|Laptop moves closer to app
<app> sometimes i amaze myself at the places my mind will wander to
<Menchi187|Laptop> hey there app
<Menchi187|Laptop> whats good with these thoughts then ;)
<app> i sense my personality evolving again
<Menchi187|Laptop> :o
<Menchi187|Laptop> oh noes?
<app> yeah...oh noes
<app> at the rate i am going, i should be banned from all chatrooms except my own within the next 2 yrs
<Menchi187|Laptop> i dont see it happening
<Menchi187|Laptop> until i hear these thoughts
<app> hahahaha
<app> i get to stay because i still have the ability to hold back and not share them
<Menchi187|Laptop> app
<Menchi187|Laptop> if i havent been banned yet
<app> that ability should be completely gone within the next 2 yrs
<Menchi187|Laptop> everyone else has a fighting chance
<app> well, the thoughts were about you, home made horror porn, the fact you can't get a girl lately, and what those vids would consist of being that they are you all alone
<Menchi187|Laptop> LMFAO!!!
<app> now i will stop b4 i reveal too much of what was in my head
<app> lol
<Menchi187|Laptop> c'maaaaaaaan
<Menchi187|Laptop> you can PM with it then :P
<Menchi187|Laptop> im a big boy now app,in a few years ill be a man,i think i can take it :P
<app> i may have read the titles to some of them in Busta's shared files on mx
<Menchi187|Laptop> app do a channel hop for me?
<app> ??
<Menchi187|Laptop> /hop
<Menchi187|Laptop> do that ^_~
<app> Usage: HOP <nick>, gives chanhalf-op status to the nick (needs chanop)
<Menchi187|Laptop> that isnt right
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has left #animeyakuza (Rejoining!)
<app> WB Menchi187|Laptop <menchi187>the bottle has a huge crotch bulge though....which is kinda disturbing
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has joined #animeyakuza
<Menchi187|Laptop> thats what /hop does
<app> not here
<Menchi187|Laptop> crazy
<Menchi187|Laptop> rejoin then?
<app> let me guess...that statement i made is going to come back to haunt me, huh?
<Menchi187|Laptop> >:-D
<app> lol
<Menchi187|Laptop> maybe?
<app> just remember...when they ask who it is that can't get a girl, what the answer is
<Menchi187|Laptop> me :(
<app> that's a wb that can backfire :-P
<Menchi187|Laptop> nah
<Menchi187|Laptop> thats not a backfire :P
<app> it could be if i use my own quote as one for you
<Menchi187|Laptop> tomorrow is my next try again anywho :P
<Menchi187|Laptop> *WB(app)WB* - <app> well the thoughts were about you, home made horror porn, the fact you can't get a girl lately, and what those vids would consist of being that they are you all alone
<app> hehehe


The Book of Menchi

<Menchi187|Laptop> my bike can do 100kmph/65mph
<Menchi187|Laptop> which is the legal limits here in most roads :D
<pyrana> sweet
<Menchi187|Laptop> i just need to get 2 passport photos done,then sign them,then drop them into the tax office
<Menchi187|Laptop> then 5 working days later,i should have my license ^_^
<pyrana> neato
<pyrana> an step in your plans to world domination comes to fruition
<pyrana> another*
<Menchi187|Laptop> yep
<Menchi187|Laptop> some day
<pyrana> in no time you'll have some hot chic sitting on your throbbing... motorbike
<Menchi187|Laptop> :P
<Menchi187|Laptop> working on that
<pyrana> hehe
<Menchi187|Laptop> app's wb shows my progress isnt going well
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has left #animeyakuza (Rejoining!)
<app> WB Menchi187|Laptop <Frozen-Shade> ...Where did you get a willy? O_O <Motoko> borrowed the dildo from mench <|Bullet|> menchi owns a dildo? O.o <Motoko> yessir lol
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has joined #animeyakuza
<Menchi187|Laptop> not that one >_>
<pyrana> lol
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has left #animeyakuza (Rejoining!)
<app> WB Menchi187|Laptop <Menchi187> i was thinking of getting a list of every online person i meet tattoo'd on my ass <Menchi187> but it'd get creepy once i met yaoiboy
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has joined #animeyakuza
<Menchi187|Laptop> fuck it
<pyrana> hehe
* Anime_Share_2007 (~a@Share.res.ipsa.loquitur.ex.terra) has joined #animeyakuza
<Menchi187|Laptop> yo share
<pyrana> greetings share
<Menchi187|Laptop> lets try again
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has left #animeyakuza (Rejoining!)
<app> WB Menchi187|Laptop <Menchi187> my mother fell down the stairs while pregnant with me <Menchi187> yeah...people say it made me stupid....but i proved them
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has joined #animeyakuza
<Menchi187|Laptop> fuck it then
<pyrana> rofl
<pyrana> app has a good random collection there
<Menchi187|Laptop> i noticed =\
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has left #animeyakuza (Rejoining!)
<app> WB Menchi187|Laptop <menchi187>the bottle has a huge crotch bulge though....which is kinda disturbing
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has joined #animeyakuza
<pyrana> heh
<Menchi187|Laptop> :(
<pyrana> app could compile and publish a small book entitled 'The wisdom of Menchi'
<Menchi187|Laptop> lol
<Menchi187|Laptop> the book of menchi
<pyrana> hmm
<pyrana> maybe they could revise the bible and include it
<Menchi187|Laptop> one more time
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has left #animeyakuza (Rejoining!)
<app> WB Menchi187|Laptop <Menchi187|Laptop> i needed something to buy to hit on the hot gamestop girl <Menchi187|Laptop> and i saw zelda and said fuck it ill give it a go <Menchi187|Laptop> and after all that,she shot me down
* Menchi187|Laptop (~menchi187@I.Love.The.Hate) has joined #animeyakuza
<Menchi187|Laptop> yes!!
<Menchi187|Laptop> there it is
<pyrana> aww
<pyrana> good on you for trying
<Menchi187|Laptop> :P
<pyrana> so plan B next then ?
<Menchi187|Laptop> oh i havent given up on her yet
<pyrana> execellent
<pyrana> so how goes the stalking then ? xD
<Menchi187|Laptop> well those night vision goggles you recommended are great
<pyrana> naturally
<pyrana> worked a treat for me
<pyrana> makes stalking both the nieghbours wife AND daughter so much easier
<pyrana> neighbours*
<Menchi187|Laptop> lol
<Anime_Share_2007> yo guys
<Anime_Share_2007> still playing with that woman Menchi
<pyrana> he's alive! (evil laugh)
<Menchi187|Laptop> for now
<pyrana> if at first you don't succeed.. kidnapping is always an option..
<Anime_Share_2007> surprised she isn't acting like Kikyou and stalking you yet
<Menchi187|Laptop> dont remind me....
<pyrana> lol


Marriage proposal

<Shezmu> Bitme_Bot
<Shezmu> Marry me
<Shezmu> tonight
* Bitme_Bot hands Shezmu a ring
* Bitme_Bot notices that it is red, and glowing
* Bitme_Bot notices a burning smell, coming from Shezmu
<Bitme_Bot> Just kidding, I love all.