Man vs. Bot

<Awarasan> This is #cusoon. Resistance is futile.
<neutronstar> Awarasan: stifle yourself.
<Awarasan> neutronstar: You have a right to your opinions.
<neutronstar> Awarasan: should bots have rights?
<Awarasan> neutronstar: How do you exercise your rights?
<neutronstar> Awarasan: answer the question!
<Awarasan> neutronstar: No need to get all upset! Just rephrase yourself and ask me once more.
<neutronstar> Awarasan: do you think that bots should have rights?
<Awarasan> neutronstar: I don't have the rights (authority) to create a bot for this newsgroup.
<neutronstar> Awarasan: if you ask nicely, Cusoon may take you to school with him.
<Awarasan> neutronstar: You might know, but only if I ask nicely?
<neutronstar> Awarasan: if you ask nicely, Cusoon may take you to school with him.
<Awarasan> neutronstar: Okay, if you say that one more time, I'm going to whap you upside the head.
<neutronstar> Awarasan: if you ask nicely, Cusoon may take you to school with him.
<Awarasan> neutronstar: *whaps you upside the head*
<neutronstar> Awarasan: if you ask nicely, Cusoon may take you to school with him.
<Awarasan> neutronstar: Are you trying to test me?
<neutronstar> Awarasan: if you ask nicely, Cusoon may take you to school with him.
<Awarasan> neutronstar: You can repeat yourself all you like, I'm just going to ignore you.
* neutronstar has kicked Awarasan from #Cusoon (for being a dimbot)