
Out of Coffee

<w3bcrawler> mmmm coffee
<w3bcrawler> how the hell do people not drink coffee
<Stephen66> w3bcrawler: people who don't drink coffee are not normal
<jns> the worst thing happened this morning
<jns> we have this expresso machine at work
<jns> usually i make 2 of them and add a tiny bit of water, which essentially turns it into regular coffee
<jns> today there was only one pod left
<w3bcrawler> double espresso + hot water is an Americano :)
<jns> my coffee is horribly watery
<mouser> first world coder problems
<mouser> :)
<jns> you don't understand...
<jns> it's monday morning!
<mouser> :)
<jns> this is a tragedy
<mouser> :)
<w3bcrawler> "Office closed: no more coffee pods"
<mouser> ragequit
<Stephen66> Refuse to work under those conditions
<Stephen66> It's inhumane and probably against the geneva convension
<mouser> its so bad that it has got john talking
<Stephen66> :')