
"gonna go watch people get lifted off the ground cause they haz meathooks in thier ass/back"

* Stephen66 is gettin ready to go watch a show and get drunk
<Stephen66> possibly get covered in blood if something goes wrong with the show lol
<Deozaan> Do it in the opposite order.
<Stephen66> Nah man, I wanna be sober(ish) to watch the live, human suspensions
<Deozaan> I thought you meant a TV show.
<Stephen66> Last time, the DJ got raised and tilted (with what are basically meathooks through your skin) while he was mixing heavy metal music
<Stephen66> kk guys, gonna go watch people get lifted off the ground cause they haz meathooks in thier ass/back :D
<Stephen66> cyas
<mouser> thats scary way to sign off isnt it?
<Deozaan> Yeah.
<Deozaan> Whoever invented that had to be a psychopath.
<Stephen66> k, i WOULD have been going but teh mrs aint ready
<Stephen66> so 10 more mins of NOTHING
<Stephen66> I wanty some beeeer
<Deozaan> See? I told you to get drunk first.
<Stephen66> lol
<Stephen66> wish I had beer in the house