Why some topics should be banned from nice chatrooms
or maybe just Metshrine :-P
<Metshrine> religion is a choice, keep it to yourself
<scancode> sorry, misread.
<Metshrine> Like sexuality
<Metshrine> I don't care what sexuality/religion you choose
<Metshrine> keep it to yourself and away from me
<Metshrine> I will do the same
<Deozaan> Practice what you preach Metshrine
* housetier sports his metrosexuality
<scancode> :)
<Deozaan> stop raping us all in the channel
<Metshrine> deo?
<Metshrine> thats not preaching my sexuality
<Metshrine> thats fulfilling my sexual desires
<Metshrine> ;-)
<Metshrine> plus, you never say no
<Metshrine> so....
<Deozaan> keep your sexuality to yourself!
<Metshrine> make what you will of that
<Deozaan> You don't ask me first.
<scancode> Let's all buy Metshrine an inflatable doll.
<Deozaan> You just...
<Deozaan> do it.
<Deozaan> :(
<Deozaan> :<
<Metshrine> I always make the people who come to my door with copies of "The watchtower" sit through my 20 minute speech on why I believe in the flying spaghetti monster
<Deozaan> I feel so violated!
<Deozaan> Do you really?
<Metshrine> yes
<Metshrine> every time
<scancode> Metshrine, I WANT A COPY OF THAT SPEECH
<scancode> NOW!@
<Metshrine> I am working on a video version
<Deozaan> Me too.
<Metshrine> myw ife is helping
<Metshrine> we tell them, if you can sit through my presentation, I will listen to yours
<Metshrine> and I do
<Deozaan> I need to find a copy of the watchtower so I can deliver it to your house and hear the speech
<Metshrine> if they last, I listen
<Metshrine> to every word
<scancode> note: not all Jehovah's Witnesses are tards, or try to preach on you.
<Metshrine> I know
<Metshrine> but it's when they OFFER to tell me more
<Deozaan> Note: Not all Christians are tards, or try to preach to you.
<Metshrine> that I say listen to my speech first
<Deozaan> Note: Not all Muslims are terrorists, or try to blow you up.
<scancode> ROFL
<Metshrine> deozaan: but all it takes is most of them
<Deozaan> Note: Not all Jews are trying to rip you off, or deserve to be gassed.
<Metshrine> quote Eric Cartman
<scancode> Deozaan, assface, I spilled my coke!
<Metshrine> hahahaha
<Metshrine> ^5 deo
<Deozaan> Note: Not all blacks like fried chicken, or watermelons.
<Metshrine> Note: Not all asians make great calculators
<Deozaan> Note: Not all hispanics are lazy, or in gangs.
<scancode> Note: stop posting notes.
<Deozaan> Note: Note received. Ending notes.
<Metshrine> Note: Not all people named deozaan's are hiding "in the closet"
<scancode> note: 's is completely unnecessary
<Metshrine> eat a dick
<Deozaan> Haha
<Deozaan> love it.
<Deozaan> An Argentinian correcting an American on his English.