
Vista Candy

<freon848> installing vista again on my main machine
<freon848> vista is just so cool.. heh
<freon848> when i'm looking at vista...
<freon848> its like, i am 5 years old or something like that
<freon848> in a candy store
<freon848> with candy bra's... and panties


Friday the 13th

<§wèètÐîK> happy friday the 13th :) don't forget to walk under any ladders you see today.
<nofreebeer> i am going to screw a cammel... on it's back while i am spread across many cracks on a side walk
<nofreebeer> wait what? did i just type that?


The Social Life of a Chatbot

A long time ago, I co-hosted a chatroom called the Zombie Brain Depot, with my friend, Sable. It was kind of a quiet room most of the time, and it wasn't around for all that long.

We had a room bot known as Randy, which was short for RandomBullshit. This was a simple bot that began its 'life' long before we started our channel.

It had a simple trigger response system that was set up with various keywords/phrases and some rather humorous responses. It also autodisplayed whatever music I was listening to in Winamp.

At one time, it was a regular in another channel that contain a similar bot. That bot's owner (Swanvesta) and I had a little game going on where we kept adding lines to our bot's configurations till we had set it up where the 'wrong' word in the channel would set off a conversation between the 2 bots that would grow in length and humor daily.

Eventually everyone else in that channel got fed up and kicked both bots.

Not long after that, an online friend and member of my programming channel (freon) borrowed my bot's configuration file and took it into a very crowded channel called Teen Extreme.

Within a few minutes, people were trying to carry on conversation with Randy, not knowing it was a bot and one guy even tried to cyber with it in private messages.

The chat logs from those old days do not exist, as there wasn't a way to log the chats at that time.

The following is the best excerpts from the Zombie Brain Depot, showing how much fun some people can have with a simple chatbot in a rather dead room.

Most of the people that had fun making friends with Randy were not regulars in the room, and some were not aware and never realized that Randy was a bot.

We kind of encouraged things along by putting a suggestion in the channel topic for visitors to say 'hug me'.

ace556_19919 has entered
<Randy000> hey ace556...what's up?
<ace556> chilling
<ace556> u
<ace556> hug me
Randy000 gives ace556 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<ace556> nawt
<ace556> why
<ace556> u woman
<ace556> or man
ace556_19919 has left

Petulatelula703_11613 has entered
<Randy000> hey Petulatelula703...what's up?
<Petulatelula703> Vegetarian Zombies - cool?
Petulatelula703_11613 has left
Petulatelula703_31954 has entered
<Randy000> hey Petulatelula703...what's up?
<Petulatelula703> Can't find much I like
Randy000 listens to Jimmies Chichen Shack - Do right
<Petulatelula703> Anything else?
Randy000 listens to The Doors - Riders on the Storm
<Petulatelula703> Mmmm ok I'm getting the picture - American dude yeah?
<Petulatelula703> Whoops - was I wrong?
<Petulatelula703> Or too forward?
Randy000 listens to Reel Big Fish - Come on Eileen
<Petulatelula703> Randy doesn't say much
Randy000 listens to Snake River Conspiracy - Somebody Hates You
<Petulatelula703> Ooh I can take a hint!
Petulatelula703_43098 has left

slut122_14412 has entered
<Randy000> hey slut122...what's up?
<slut122> what most sluts are upto, hehehe!
slut122_14412 has left

SkatrGuy143_16689 has entered
<Randy000> hey SkatrGuy143...what's up?
<SkatrGuy143> Sky lol
<SkatrGuy143> Hug me
Randy000 gives SkatrGuy143 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<SkatrGuy143> ew...
SkatrGuy143_16689 has left

<nofreebeer778> gotta love it when they talk to the gay bot
<nofreebeer778> bots are gay
<Randy000> just like you :-P
<nofreebeer778> kiss me you big gay bot
Randy000 grabs and plants a big wet kiss on nofreebeer778's lips

<Slims773> hug me
<Randy000> gives Slims773 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
DisturbedHeffay000_00000 has entered
<Randy000> hey DisturbedHeffay000...what's up?
<Slims773> hug me
<Randy000> gives Slims773 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<DisturbedHeffay000> hi
<DisturbedHeffay000> hug me
<Randy000> gives DisturbedHeffay000 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<Slims773> hug me
<Randy000> gives Slims773 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<Slims773> hug me
<Randy000> gives Slims773 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<DisturbedHeffay000> hug me
<Randy000> gives DisturbedHeffay000 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<DisturbedHeffay000> hug me
<Randy000> gives DisturbedHeffay000 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<DisturbedHeffay000> hug me
<Randy000> gives DisturbedHeffay000 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<DisturbedHeffay000> hug me
<Randy000> gives DisturbedHeffay000 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<Slims773> stop that
<DisturbedHeffay000> U DID IT TOO
<Slims773> i did it first
<DisturbedHeffay000> so?
<Slims773> that means i am better
<DisturbedHeffay000> LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
<Slims773> what
<DisturbedHeffay000> u- better than me?
<DisturbedHeffay000> lolololololololololololololololololol
<Slims773> Thats right
<DisturbedHeffay000> ur so funny
<DisturbedHeffay000> how do you get sooo funny
<DisturbedHeffay000> lol
<DisturbedHeffay000> im jk dude
<Slims773> why do you talk to yourself
<Slims773> wait nevermind
<DisturbedHeffay000> hey slims
<DisturbedHeffay000> i was just kidding around
<Slims773> no i thought that you were really talking to yourself
<Slims773> i got lost
<Cadbury Caramel Egg 103> kiss me
<Randy000> grabs and plants a big wet kiss on Cadbury Caramel Egg 103's lips
<Slims773> wow kiss me
<Randy000> grabs and plants a big wet kiss on Slims773's lips
<Slims773> kiss me
<Randy000> grabs and plants a big wet kiss on Slims773's lips
<Cadbury Caramel Egg 103> there are others in the bot but i am not going to tell you what they are :-P
<Slims773> hug and kiss me
<Randy000> grabs and plants a big wet kiss on Slims773's lips
<Slims773> kiss and hug me
<Randy000> gives Slims773 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<DisturbedHeffay000> hmmm
<DisturbedHeffay000> hump me
<DisturbedHeffay000> damn
<DisturbedHeffay000> lol
<Slims773> ok lets keep it kid freindly
<Slims773> hug *sparkle*
<Slims773> hug Cadbury Caramel Egg
<Slims773> hug gojira
<Slims773> hug Host
<Slims773> hug Majinpiccolo
<Randy000> April is still waiting for that hot fudge sundae
<Slims773> who is April
<Randy000> You mean Queen Zombie...you know how much brains turn her on...talk technical to her and she'll probably jump your bones ;-)
<Slims773> oh
<Majinpiccolo*Mahto*302> chocolate also works...
<Majinpiccolo*Mahto*302> hug me randy
<Randy000> gives Majinpiccolo*Mahto*302 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<Majinpiccolo*Mahto*302> thanks
DisturbedHeffay000_00000 has left
Slims773_37123 has left

NASTY_DOG_!!487_12978 has entered
<Randy000> hey NASTY_DOG_!!487...what's up?
<NASTY_DOG_!!487> fuck me
<Randy000> no thanks...you are not my type...I prefer someone with more brains
<NASTY_DOG_!!487> hallo
<NASTY_DOG_!!487> ok hug me randy
<Randy000> gives NASTY_DOG_!!487 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<NASTY_DOG_!!487> great
<NASTY_DOG_!!487> any persons in here?
NASTY_DOG_!!487_64073 has left

Bear_and_Tommy851_37996 has entered
<Randy000> hey Bear_and_Tommy851...what's up?
<Bear_and_Tommy851> sdjgosdklfjmhjasrkdtjhow
<Bear_and_Tommy851> yfo7ltyot7odeyuifghr7u8g
<Bear_and_Tommy851> hug me
<Randy000> gives Bear_and_Tommy851 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
 «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757_31654 has entered
<Randy000> hey  «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757...what's up?
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> ....nothing
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> and his place is
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> HUG ME
<Randy000> gives  «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> ewwwww
<Bear_and_Tommy851> randy is gay
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> yeah i can tell
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> lol
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> HUG ME
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> HUG ME
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> HUG ME
<Randy000> gives  «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> HUG ME
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> HUG ME
<Randy000> gives  «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<Bear_and_Tommy851> we are all against you randy
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> not really i dont hate gays
<Randy000> gives Bear_and_Tommy851 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> they are ppl just a little odd
< «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757> and odd is my middle name (i dont mean im gay)
 «º²Gвº» ...NightWolf...757_60301 has left
<Bear_and_Tommy851> randy i love you
Bear_and_Tommy851_37996 has left

Creepella512_47155 has entered
<Randy000> hey  Creepella512...what's up?
Creepella512 places a live scorpin in Randy's pants
Randy000 grabs it, and hides it in creep's underwear drawer
<Randy000> :-P
< Creepella512> ha ha HAH !

roxy_roadstar4eva628_24567 has entered
<Randy000> hey roxy_roadstar4eva628...what's up?
<roxy_roadstar4eva628> hi
<roxy_roadstar4eva628> asl?
<Randy000> I'm 75...450lbs...gay...and i smell...wanna chat?
<roxy_roadstar4eva628> ummm
<roxy_roadstar4eva628> no thx
<roxy_roadstar4eva628> u r a hobo!
roxy_roadstar4eva628_52865 has left

Ranma042_48755 has entered
<Randy000> hey Ranma042...what's up?
<Ranma042> hi randy. it seems that this plugin is working quite well ^_^
<Randy000> hi there Ranma042
<Ranma042> hug
<Ranma042> !hug
<Ranma042> hmmm i don't remember the hug command :'(
<Ranma042> hug me
Randy000 gives Ranma042 a big hug...mmmmm...that felt good :-)
<Ranma042> :D
Ranma042_48755 has left


Pick-up Lines for Programmers

<Indi> if you did var.at(n) (which is the same thing as var[n], but
safer) you would get an exception
<Riddle_Box> saftey is important
<Riddle_Box> always use protection();
<Indi> he he he
<Indi> jackass ^_^
<Riddle_Box> ass jacker
<Indi> i'm gonna have to remember that one
<Riddle_Box> remember what one?
<Indi> always use protection();
<Riddle_Box> good pick up line for chix programmers
<Indi> ^_^
<Riddle_Box> assuming you can express ascii characters verbally
<Indi> yeah, you walk up to a chick programmer that's being hit on by a
bunch of guy programmers and you say "hey baby, ditch these chars and
come get with me. i'm a long."
<Riddle_Box> and we'll go grab a byte and hang
<Indi> genius ^_^
<Ureno> Indeed..
<Riddle_Box> then we can undergo polymorphism
<Indi> using the insertion operator
<Riddle_Box> and stream data in


Needs a Magic Tutorial

¨°ºO Blutig O> who knows perl?
¨°ºO Blutig O> I mean who knows Kernel
¨°ºO Blutig O> I mean who knows Pascal?
app> what do you need to know?
¨°ºO Blutig O> can you advise me a good pascal tutorial
¨°ºO Blutig O> I wanna learn it
¨°ºO Blutig O> ru still alive?
app> http://delphi.about.com
¨°ºO Blutig O> it's not ok
¨°ºO Blutig O> I wanna know it without learning